Fluorescence, CO2 and the Atmosphere

Why CO2 is not the global warming problem.

There is global warming and man does contribute to global warming. However, it is not through CO2 short UV fluorescence. It is a cute theory but 400ppm of the atmosphere can’t capture enough energy to heat the oceans no matter what the situation. Air temperature does not drive the earth’s temperature , water, which covers 80% of the surface controls earths temperature.

Even if CO2 did intercept / absorb the huge amounts of energy to warm the earth’s oceans, ponds and lakes the energy transfer mechanism doesn’t exist for the atmosphere to heat earth’s liquid and solids.

Now for the most interesting fact. Nearly 100% of energy intercepted/ absorbed by atmospheric CO2 is converted directly to long wavelength heat. There does not have to be any type of characteristic emission spectra. Molecular CO2 is a black body. The other black body in the atmosphere is water and water dominates the atmosphere, especially when it is in its solid (high altitude ice or hail) or liquid (rain) states.

Water is a greenhouse gas and can certainly reflect heat back to the surface. The heat that water reflects is long wave infrared and its effects are immediate and long lasting. Think of the number of times a weather forecaster told you the night wouldn’t be so cold because of cloud cover. Why water and not CO2? Because water reflects heat is in its visible liquid state. To reflect heat it has to be captured and gases don’t do that very well. 

If water did not absorb heat the mechanism to spread heat evenly between the equator and poles would cease to exist and the poles would swelter while all the earth’s water became frozen from the poles to … . Who knows how close to the equator the polar ice caps could venture. 

The bottom line is that I’m so tired of the CO2 bullshit. I’ve studied photon and xray fluorescence all my five decade working life. Mostly it was in the realm of X-ray photons and various forms of spectroscopy. The characteristics of visible and infrared photons are simple by comparison.

When excitation sources are much more powerful such as a 500-550 nanometer green photon comes in the vicinity of a water or CO2 molecule with characteristic emissions in the 2,400 nanometer range the most likely result is chipping an entire electron out of orbit and creating a CO2 ion. Another electron is captured in milliseconds. https://pubs.aip.org/aip/jcp/article-pdf/70/9/4422/11219126/4422_1_online.pdf 

The current global warming strategy is to blame global warming on CO2 light capture and chained shortwave UV re emission. The truth is that the amount of CO2 characteristic photon re emission is so trivial as to be difficult to measure. Here is why.

Photons are particles with energy and without mass. The lack of mass permits its propagation at the speed of light. Transfer of energy and reemission of characteristic spectra happens in about 90 nanoseconds. 

There are a number of possible outcomes when a photon interacts with a mass. Unlike other particles, the photon’s lack of mass precludes an elastic collision. However, it is possible for mass to absorb the photon’s energy. Most energy transfers are at the electron level of atoms.

Electrons have very distinct energy levels when associated with a nucleus. The interaction between electrons and nucleus determines these energy levels. The change in energy between these energy levels is the band gap.

When ‘orbital’ electrons absorb a photon’s energy and there is no band gap of lower energy, the photon’s energy converts to long wavelength infrared radiation or heat.

When ‘orbital’ electrons absorb a photon’s energy, the ‘orbital’ electron may disassociate from the atom resulting in a free electron and molecular ion. The probability of ion generation increases as photon energy increases.

In rare cases where the photon’s energy and arrival time are within a specific window of energy and time, part of the arriving photon’s energy may add energy to an ‘orbital’ electron. In as little as 10 nanoseconds that energy will be emitted as a photon of the bandgap’s wavelength (energy). Any remaining energy from the original photon is emitted as long wavelength infrared radiation.

The lower energy state is the ground state (s0) and the higher energy state is the excited state or (s1).

Black lights used in clubs for admission identification stamps or decor are short wavelength ultraviolet sources. The black light’s radiation will quickly cause sunburn, if held close to the skin for a few minutes even though the identification stamp is quite dim. This is because so little of the black light converts to visible light. The ratio of output radiation to input radiation is its  efficiency.

The efficiency of CO2‘s sunlight (mostly green) conversion to characteristic short wavelength UV is also very small. Because of the difference in wavelength between green sunlight and short wavelength UV, most photons captured by CO2 results in free electrons and CO2 ions.

It is rare for CO2 to convert sunlight into short wavelength radiation.

Whenever CO2 emits short wavelength radiation, the short wavelength UV radiation will almost certainly be captured by atmospheric nitrogen (N2) or oxygen (O2) and any remaining shortwave UV photons will certainly be absorbed by humidity (H20.)

All this fuss about capturing CO2, cow farts, banning restaurant natural gas cooking and so forth is damaging the credabity of genuine legitimate efforts to counter global warming.

The next time someone mentions CO2 and global warming just smile and walk away. They are idiots. That is the science and it is the truth about CO2 and idiots. Somebody had to say it and I enjoy being that someone.

As for politicians such as John (Machine Gun) Kerry and Al (the Bellowing Billy Boat) Gore, they are “more to be pitied than censored.” After all the work, they put in they have to watch the Obama, Clinton and Biden families make the big after-politics scores.

The problem I have is that while the politicians and ‘big ideas’ people are fleecing the United States government there is a global warming catastrophe and if we don’t do something about the REAL problem of global warming there really is something to worry about.

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Desert Intrusion – The real global warming disaster and how the government can stop it without spending money. In a sentence, More energy is contributing to global warming due to human intrusion into the earth’s deserts than all the energy captured by the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide combined.